Heyajerseys.com takes customer safety seriously! So, here we promise to provide safe online experience for all of our users. This policy applies to information collected online through our website. Please read the privacy policy below and contact us if you have any questions.


When you make a purchase on our website, you will be given the option to create an account. By creating an account, the system will remember your personal and purchase information. This results in a more express payment process for future purchases which will be quick, easy and always completely secure. You don't have to create an account to checkout.

Creating an account will allow you to access specific information such as your order history and allow you to update purchase addresses and past information. Your personal information is accessible at all times so that you can consult, modify or update it if necessary by clicking on the "My account" link. This information is the property of our website and we do not sell or share any information with third parties unless otherwise specified.


We collect information to process your order. We collect personally identifiable information such as names, email addresses. We may also collect your IP address, your domain name, access times and the address of the referring site. This information is collected during registration on a page or in response to specific requests, for example when registering for a newsletter. Information collected on our website will be available from PerfectKicks hosts to process your order. P.S. If you want to remove your online privacy information, please contact us after the order is complete. We will take care of it within 24 hours.


Our website is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. Cutting-edge technology protects your data from unauthorized third parties. our website uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) software to protect your data and secure your transactions. SSL encrypts all of your personal information, including your credit card number, name, and address during transactions. This provides a safe and secure shopping environment. Only the parties responsible for processing your order have access to your credit card and banking information. Additionally, our website guarantees increased security by providing increased encryption on all of our servers to prevent data mining and server attacks.


Our website uses cookies to provide our customers with specific content that we think they will enjoy. Cookies are web-enabled software stored on a customer's computer, used to identify certain users and provide personalized content. All cookies on our site are in no way linked to personally identifiable information.


Aggregated information is sometimes shared with our website partners to schedule advertisements or promotions. We only share aggregated non-personal statistical information about customers, sales, traffic patterns, and site usage with our partners. our website does not share any personally identifiable information.


By using this website, you consent to the collection and use of certain information by our website. Any changes to our privacy policy will be posted on this page or our homepage so that the customer is always aware of what information we collect and how we use it. The information in this policy is subject to change at any time and we encourage all customers to review this policy as often as necessary.


By using our website, you agree to let us collect and use your information as we describe in this privacy and security policy. If we change our policies, we will post any changes on the website, so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances we disclose it.


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